The Tiger Brotherhood Today

"A secretive 90-year-old fraternity is among groups suspended from Clemson's campus"

- A headline from Greenville News talking about the disbanding of the Tiger Brotherhood.
T.B. Logo.png

The Brotherhood was suspended in 2017 for reports of hazing. Although the specific incident is not recorded, it was severe enough for the group to be suspended for 3 years [1]. To be reinstated, the brotherhood would need to submit a reinstatement plan that has to be approved by 3 alumni members and 4 faculty that are unaffiliated with the group [2].  Former members, like Bobby McCormick and Gary Clary think the organization should be left in the past. McCormick says that "the organization has done a lot for the university, but the university has to want the organization" [3]. Clary states that the group could return but not as it has been operating" [4].  

Now in 2022, the current state of the Tiger Brotherhood is unknown. They have the ability to be operating, but former members do not think they have a proper place in modern day Clemson. What do you think, is this a cover up to continue their operations in secret or is this really the end of an era? 


- All photos were taken by Jackson Taber on 4/27/2022 at the Woodland Cemetary at Clemson. 

[1] Simon, Mollie. "A Secretive 90-Year-Old Fraternity is Among Groups Suspended from Clemson's Campus." Greenville News, 19 Jun. 2019, 

[2] ibid

[3] ibid

[4] ibid

The Tiger Brotherhood Today