Johnstone: The Building that Shaped the Clemson Experience

The life and legacy of Clemson University are characterized by the pieces that make up its rich history. One such example of a defining piece of Clemson is Johnstone Hall–the building, initially designed to serve as a temporary student housing overflow, was constructed in record time to accommodate a growing Clemson. Despite the makeshift intentions, the buildings of the Johnstone complex have stuck around much longer than expected. Johnstone has been a pivotal and monumental part of the Clemson experience for generations. In this exhibit, we will explore the history of Johnstone Hall at Clemson University, not only as a dormitory but also as an integral part of the lives of Clemson students. As a part of our research, we incorporated numerous primary sources, secondary sources, and former students’ experiences. In combination, these sources helped to paint a picture of Johnstone in its prime–giving a glimpse of what life was like in the building during its tenure. As the final portions of the Johnstone complex and its accompanying student union are set to be torn down during the summer of 2022, we feel it deserves a final tribute to honor its impact on Clemson’s campus and the greater community.


Sam Brandes, Mia Reno, & Katelyn Terchick